A series of 9 sermons
Series Theme:
In POWER Christ laid down His life and by His power He took it up again.
At His ascension He promised the disciples they would receive the Holy Spirit and with His coming, the power to fulfill the mission He was giving them. As the Father has sent Him, now He was sending them into the world.
As the Church reflect on these truth in this time of Lent and onwards to Pentecost, especially in times of trial and growing resistance, it is important for us not to become timid in Christ’s mission. We need to remember that while individual expression of the Church might dissolve in a given locality, the Church of Christ as His body, cannot be overcome by the world… not even the gates of Hell can prevail against Christ’s Church.
This series helps us to look up and remember the misison we have is from Christ and in all situations He will provide, according to His plans and purposes. With hands and knees strengthened in faith, we press on to be Christ’s light and salt in our world so in need of the Gospel.