The work of the Wheatbelt Christian Fellowship is a non profit servant ministry to those in rural and remote communities in Western Australia.
By its very nature it is acknowledged that a small congregation in one minor country town can support such a work, so for this mission to succeed, we depend on the Lord’s provision through those whose hearts He moves to give financial support to this mission from further afield.
The Wheatbelt Christian Fellowship Mission not only supports those able to meet physically in Wongan Hills, but through various internet platforms, the whole family of God through the sermon resources FREELY available via this website. These resources include PODCAST recordings of sermons, as well as on its YOUTUBE CHANNEL HD video recordings. Sermon pages include not just links to these recordings, but also PDF sermon outlines and orders of worship to assist those seeking assistance in organizing worship services, especially in the absence of a local preacher.
The Gospelair outreach of the Wheatbelt Christian Fellowship, serves remote communities and reaches mainly indigenous children and their communities through its Gospelair school visits. In partnership with the Western Australian para-church organization, YouthCARE, Christian values lessons are provided free of charge to the schools. This outreach is serviced by a self flown Cessna 172M aircraft which after 10yrs of Gospelair service, and over 1,100hrs of misson flights, was fully restored and returned to service in 2024.
Financial gifts are welcome and can be deposited in either one of the following accounts: