A series of sermons which is currently underway. Sermons will be added when available.
Series Theme:
This series looks at the doctrines of Scripture while following the outline of the Heidelberg Catechism.
This catechism is divided into 52 Lord’s Days as it was intended for one Catechism Lord’s Day section to be covered each Sunday in the worship of the congregation.
The first question and answer deals with the theme of what is our only comfort in life and death. The answer given centres on the fact of ‘belonging to Christ’. It is this focus that provides the title for this sermon series.
Series Content
Comforted even when Life is Pear Shaped
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 1 QA 1
Belonging to Christ – The Only Source of True Comfort
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 1 QA 1
What we Need to Know to be Truly Comforted in Life and Death
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 1 QA 2
God’s Holy Law – A Gift of His Abounding Grace
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 1 QA 3-5
Powerless to Save Ourselves in Adam but Saved through Christ Alone
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 3 QA 6-8
The Righteous Justice and Compassionate Mercy of our Holy God
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 4 QA 9-11
Jesus: The Mediator we Need before a Holy God!
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 5 QA 12-15
Christ the DIVINE Mediator we Must Have
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 6 QA 16-19
Faith in Christ Alone an Absolute Requirement to get into Heaven
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 7 QA 20-23
A Glaring Contrast that Affirms Scripture’s Teaching of the Trinity
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 8 QA 24-25
The one Holy God our Perfect Father in Christ
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 9 QA 26
Content Knowing the Lord’s Faithful Providence in all CircumstancesJ
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 10 QA 27-28
He was Called Jesus for through Him Alone can Anyone get to Heaven
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 11 QA 29-30
Compare the Pair… Jesus alone the Prophet God Promised through Moses
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 12a QA 31
Christ our Priest who Alone meets our Need for Atonement before a Holy God
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 12b QA 31b
Adopted by the Most High God
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 13 QA 33-34
The Ultimate Wonder of Christmas
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 14 QA 35-36
Christ’s Promised Spirit WITHIN Us
(Heidelberg Catechism)
LD 20 QA 53
Sacraments (1)
God’s Object Lessons of Assurance and Comfort in Christ
(Lord’s Day 25)
Sacraments (2)
Spiritual Nourishment in full Relationship with Christ
(Lord’s Day 28)
Sacraments (4)
Irreconcilable Differences – The Mass and the Lord’s Supper
(Lord’s Day 30a)
Sacraments (3)
Lord’s Supper.. Who May Come?
(Lord’s Day 30b)