A series of 8 sermons which is currently underway. Sermons will be added when available.
Series Theme:
As we meditate on the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ in the season of Lent, it would be easy for us to set our minds on the central doctrines of Scripture as to the atonement and resurrection in an academic way.
In this series we endeavour to take to hearts to the point of amazement, that Christ dying on the cross was FOR US, and while we long to go to Heaven after our life, to atone for our sins, Christ who already being there, willing left Heaven to come to death to take our place under the wrath of God.
This series goes on after the resurrection to meditate on the ascension of Christ, His return to Heaven and the sending of the Spirit at Pentecost, as well as what he doe sin heaven for us (interceding). All these have by God’s grace US in view.