Series Theme:

This series of sermon follow the articles of the Belgic Confession to present an bird’s eye view of the main doctrines of the Bible.

Series Content

The One true God
(1 Corinthians 8:1-6)
Belgic Confession Art. 1

Getting to Know God
(Psalms 19)
Belgic Confession Art. 2

It Really is God’s Word
(2 Peter 1:19-21)
Belgic Confession Art. 3

God’s Word: High Beam along our Way in Life
(Psalm 119:105 129-136,)
Belgic Confession Art. 5

The Bible Alone ALL Sufficient for Faith and Life
(Luke 24:13-35)
Belgic Confession Art. 7

The Trinity: A Foundational Belief of the Christian Church
(Matthew 28:16-20)
Belgic Confession Art. 8

Experiencing the Trinity within our Life
(John 14:15-31)
Belgic Confession Art. 9, 11

Jesus: Second Person of the Trinity
– God in the Flesh

(John 5:1-30)
Belgic Confession Art. 10

The Heart of the
Creation Debate
(Genesis 1:1 – 2:3)
Belgic Confession Art. 12

Faith’s Conviction about an Unseen Creator
(Hebrews 11:1-3)
Belgic Confession Art. 12a

Not by Chance but by God
(Psalm 104:27-35)
Belgic Confession Art. 13

A Wretch Saved by God’s Amazing Grace
(1 Corinthians 2:10-16)
Belgic Confession Art. 14

It’s beyond Doubt – In Christ Alone our Future is Assured
(Romans 7:14-25)
Belgic Confession Art. 15

God’s Unfailing and Constant Love for a lost cause like Me
(Galatians 4:1-7 )
Belgic Confession Art. 17

The Love of God that in Christ does not let us Go
(Hebrews 2:14-18)
Belgic Confession Art. 18

The Gospel’s Ultimate Miracle: In Deity took on Humanity
(Matthew 1:20-25)
Belgic Confession Art. 19

The Greatest Transaction
(2 Corinthians 5:11-21)
Belgic Confession Art. 20

Christ’s Atonement the Only Sure Foundation for Assurance of our Faith
(Philippians 3:1-14)
Belgic Confession Art. 21

In Christ Alone our Guilt Erased before a Holy God
(Psalm 32)
Belgic Confession Art. 23

Sanctification: Faith Lived out in all of Life
(James 2:14-26)
Belgic Confession Art. 24

The Demands of God’s Law Fully Satisfied in Christ for us
(Hebrews 10:1-18)
Belgic Confession Art. 25

Jesus:  Loves us More than Anyone, He is More Powerful to Save Us than Everyone
(Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:14-16)
Belgic Confession Art. 26

ONE Universal & Invincible Church Under Christ
(Revelation 5:1-10)
Belgic Confession Art. 27

Saved in Christ, Recreated to Belong to His Body/Bride.. the Church
(Ephesians 4:1-16)
Belgic Confession Art. 28

Joining the True Church of Christ
(1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
Belgic Confession Art. 29

Christ Gift of Leaders to the Church He Loves
(Acts 15:1-35)
Belgic Confession Art. 30

Yearning to Care like Christ
(1 Timothy 3:1-12)
Belgic Confession Art. 31

Sacraments-Christ’s Sensible Gifts to the Church He Loves
(Psalm 103; Romans 4:9-11)
Belgic Confession Art. 33

Respect and Support for God’s Government
(Romans 13:1-7)
Belgic Confession Art. 36