A series of 4 sermons
Series Theme:
Marriage is an incredibly powerful picture used by God to described in His Word the relationship of Christ to His bride, the Church. Indeed, it is from that relation of Christ to the Church, we learn much as to how a man and wife ought to live with each other today.
That may be nice to know, but how today can we live in relationships that truly reflect Christ’s relationship to His bride? The answer lies in the power out of which we live as couples in Christ. Not a worldly power, but that of the grace of God at work in us through His Holy Spirit.
Series Content
Marriage Lived out of
God’s Grace in Christ
(Matthew 19:1-12)
Setting the Right Tone
(Ephesians 5:21, 25-33)
Continuing the Right Tone
(Ephesians 5:21-24)
The Woman who Pleases the Lord
(Proverbs 31:1-31)